Just Rambling

The Slaughtered Girl

"One day I was reading an article that went like this:
"A 15 year old Muslim girl was slaughtered by her cousin that suspected she was dating a Jewish guy".

Ooops, I must have the article mixed up, it actually went like this:
"A 15 year old Christian girl was shot by her cousin that suspected she was dating a Muslim guy".

Not true, I am sure it was like this:
"A 15 year old Jewish Orthodox girl was stoned by her cousin that was sure she was dating an Arab guy".

Fact is that a 15 year old girl was stabbed to death by her cousin while she was eating an ice cream on the porch.

It is certain that different people from different religions and customs will have different feelings to the above versions of a news article.

For version 1: a strict Muslim or a strict Jewish person might feel that the girls deserved to die, while a Christian might be shocked.

For version 2: a religious Christian might think that she deserved it and it's a pity that there not more Christians like this, while a Muslim might think, so what if she dates a Muslim.

For version 3: a religious Jewish person might agree with the punishment, while the Arab would think it's a pity that guy lost his girlfriend.

However version 4: would most probably drive similar reactions from each person reading the article. Most probably all will be shocked and condeming such behaviour.

This practice proves that adding cultural identifiers to individuals such as religion, skin colour, race, etc not only generates different reactions from different individuals but also might provide courage for similar races to do the same cruel actions.


Author: Bashara Hinnawi
Date published: 08-Sep-21