Just Rambling

A Quest For The Best Religion

Imagine you do not have a religion and now you are on a quest to adopt a religion, which one will you adopt?
Christianity? Islam? Judaism? Budism?
Which one?

I was struggling with that question and here are some conclusions that I reached:
  • In each one of them there is a need to commit to blind belief, which means that you have to just make a selection and commit to it without any specific logic.
  • If I want to choose one then this religion has to be better than the rest. I am familiar with the 3 main religions and objectively I cannot say which one is better. How better? In what way? What makes a religion better?
  • Whichever one I choose, how will it affect my friends and family? Should I choose the same as my family or different? If it is different then what are the consequences to my social and daily life?
    If I choose Judaism will I have to tighten my relationships with Jews and loosen my relationship with non-Jews. Will I have to react to Arabs like some Jews that don't know me react to me?

All this leads to one obvious conclusion, our religion is chosen based on our family's religion (we some exceptions of individuals choosing to change their religion mainly based on external influences).

If WE ARE NOT ABLE TO CHOOSE WHO WE ARE BORN TO, then mostly religion is chosen for us.

But wait!!!

If our religion is chosen for us then how can we be so convinced that it is the best option???

Author: Bashara Hinnawi
Date published: 08-Sep-21