Just Rambling

Pump Up Your Posture

"As a child living in a minority of a minority of a minority, I was an easy target to bullying by neighbours, so I developed a technique that proctected me (or atleast I thought it did).

A simple task such as walking up the street required both mental and physical preparation and a huge amount of psychological energy.
Allow me to bring you to my "walking up the street" project.
  1. Go to the door. DON´T OPEN YET!!!
  2. First check how you look (Avoid providing any reason someone would need to approach you).
    a. Your hair is straight.... CHECK!
    b. Your clothes are within reasonable colours... CHECK!
    c. Your clothes are neatly tucked in with nothing poping out ... CHECK!
    d. Your shoes laces are tied. In case you need to run for your life … CHECK!
  3. OK, now you can open the door.
  4. Pump up your chest, spread your arms, stand upright and put a grin on your face.
    This may seem easy but there is a certain art to it.
    You have to know the exact dosage of "Think twice before messing with me" but be careful not to reach "Come on you bastard let´s rock" look.
  5. Look straight towards your destination.
  6. Start walking up the street at a speed 1.5 times the normal walking speed. 2X speed shows fear, regular stroll gives them time to ponder if to approach or not.
  7. Reach your destination in tact? Good. Now you can relax.

Adrenaline rush everytime you leave the house.

Author: Bashara Hinnawi
Date published: 08-Sep-21