Just Rambling

Keep The Faith

"My primary and high school was at a place called Tabeetha School, it is an English school in Jaffa, Israel belonging to the Church of Scotland. The school had students from different religions but at the time the main focus was on Christianity with regular prayers in the morning hall gatherings, religious education, christian celebration and so on. Add to that a Christian Greek Orthodox family should have led me to being a "Good Christian" right?

Fact is that I did pass my childhood as a christian. However as time passed by and more and more things did not seem to make sense, I started doubting my faith.
I remember a time when I decided that I want to believe again and like every "Good Christian" I started searching for the answer in the Bible. I set out to read the Bible every night for a long period, but the more I read the more I felt that I could not see the light, but rahter an intentional blur allowing each and every follower the space for a personal interpretation of some facts mixed with the belief of others.
Convinced to find the truth somewhere betweeen the lines, I did not give up on it and continued until I reached a time when I couldn´t continue anymore.
I guess I lacked the main ingredient for this to work, which was faith.

In order to become religious one needs to have faith but from where does faith come from?
Is it by just accepting others beleifs as our own with no questions asked?

That's not good enough for me. "

Author: Bashara Hinnawi
Date published: 08-Sep-21