Just Rambling

Are We Brainwashed?

"One of my first jobs as a teenager was working in a Pizza place as a delivery guy.
While the majority of the employees were Jewish, I was a 3M but my Hebrew was as good as any Jewish teenager so if no one asked about my origins I usually do not make it the centre of the conversation.
After a couple of months work a new colleague joined the team and we became good friends, we talked about everything but we did not have the chance to talk about our origins.

You may ask yourself why?
There are many reasons for that, such as:
1. the topic did not come up,
2. I assumed she knew since I have talked in Arabic to many customers in front of her.
3. It is a colleague relationship that did not require to go further than what it is.

One day I came to do the night shift as usuall and I noticed that she was shut off. She did not talk to me, in the breaks she started sitting far away and after my numerous attempts to approach her she simply ignored me.

Only later on I came to understand that someone told her that the reason that I speak arabic so well is because I am an Arab, daaaah.

I did not grasp the magnitude of the brainwashing that goes on in some Jewish and Arab houses alike until I felt it´s effect directly on my flesh.
Someone like her grows up in as secluded ("protected") environment, deprived from any interaction with the "enemy". She propbably grew up seeing her parents swearing at the "enemies" that show up every single hour of every single day.
Ofcourse she grows up fearing this beast called an ARAB, this cunning animal that wants to destroy her because of who she is.
She felt "betrayed" and "tricked" by this Arab leading her to beleive that he is a friend.
Disaster has fallen upon her !!!

Coming to think of it, she had no choice but to take the necessary actions in response to perceived danger that she was in. The cards that she was dealt throughout her childhood could not have revealed any other potential outcome."

Author: Bashara Hinnawi
Date published: 08-Sep-21